ICDE 2023 will host the following two events within our diversity and inclusion program.

Event 1: Panel discussion (April 4, 2023, Tuesday, 10:30AM – 12:20PM)

Ethics in paper submissions and reviewing


Lei Chen


Angela Bonifati
Jayant Haritsa
Zi (Helen) Huang
Ioannis Ioannidis
Sudeepa Roy


Reviewing quality: How can we incentivise reviewers to write more conscientious reviews? Should we penalize bad reviewers (e.g., bans from PC lists)? What organizational efforts can positively impact review quality? Are implicit biases affecting any of our reviewing processes, and how do we overcome them?

Conflicts of Interest:  COI policies have started becoming more variable across our venues (see SIGMOD 2023 & 2024, VLDB 2023).  How do we settle as a community towards a consistent COI policy?  What are the right limits and restrictions?

Ethics in COI declaration: Under-declared COIs, either accidental or due to bad actors, are a significant issue in our venues.  How do we address them (e.g., penalties, such as desk-rejection, or alternative mechanisms, such as automated COI detection)?

Submission quality: In the drive to increase publication counts, we see cases of different submissions using the same approach to address different problems, or an approach divided across multiple submissions.  How should we address such challenges to the novelty bar?

Preempting future ethics challenges: Will AI-assisted technologies, such as ChatGPT, become factors in paper writing and reviewing?  What should we be on the lookout for?

Event 2: Mentoring lunch (April 4, 2023, Tuesday, 12:20PM – 14:00PM)

Junior researchers are invited to join round-table discussions over lunch with more senior mentors, at tables organized by topics.  Please use the following google form to indicate your interest to join the lunch:



Growth and success in academia: how to approach and prepare for the tenure review; how to establish an independent research program; how to be an effective advisor; how to recruit students and retain a healthy research group.

Career growth and advancement in industry: how to be an effective team contributor; are there recommended timelines and strategies for seeking advancement/promotion; what roles and responsibilities can best prepare you for advancement to higher level roles in the future.

Fostering collaborations: strategies for broadening your network; how many collaborations can you reasonably maintain; how to ensure effective collaborations; how to get out of bad ones; how can you build successful, long-term collaborations.

Career-life balance: best strategies for organizing your time; how to say no and what to say no to; how to plan your career around your personal goals (e.g., starting a family); strategies for maintaining your mental, emotional, and physical health through stressful professional periods (e.g., tenure process).

Growing as a mentor:  Learning to be a better supervisor and manager; how to grow and maintain healthy lab environments; how to gracefully handle conflicts in your research group; how to end an unproductive advising relationship.