SVQ-ACT: Querying for Actions over VideosDaren Chao (University of Toronto)*; kaiwen chen (university of Toronto); Nick Koudas (University of Toronto)
GENSQL: A Generative Natural Language Interface to Database SystemsYuankai FAN (Fudan University)*; Tonghui Ren (Fudan University); Zhenying He (Fudan University); X. Sean Wang (Fudan University); Ye Zhang (China UnionPay Merchant Services Co.,LTD.); Xingang Li (China UnionPay Merchant Services Co.,LTD.)
MetroWatch: A Predictive System to Estimate Travel Attributes Using Smart Card DataJanaka C Thilakarathna (Singapore management University)*; Baihua Zheng (Singapore Management University); Thivya Kandappu (“Singapore Management University, Singapore”)
Graph-based Tool for Exploring PubMed Knowledge BaseSimone Bottoni (University of Insubria)*; Alberto Trombetta (University of Insubria); Flavio Bertini (University of Parma); Danilo Montesi (University of Bologna); Francesca Bonin (IBM Research ); Alessandra Pascale (IBM Research ); Martin Gleize (IBM Research); Pierpaolo Tommasi (IBM)
BLUTune: Tuning Up IBM Db2 with MLConnor Henderson (York University and IBM CAS); Vincent Corvinelli (IBM Ltd.); Parke Godfrey (York University); Piotr Mierzejewski (IBM Ltd.); Jaroslaw Szlichta (York University and IBM CAS)*; Calisto Zuzarte (IBM Ltd.)
FALL: A Modular Adaptive Learning Platform for Streaming DataBenjamin Halstead (The University of Auckland)*; Yun Sing Koh (University of Auckland); Patricia J Riddle (University of Auckland, New Zealand); Mykola Pechenizkiy (TU Eindhoven); Albert Bifet (University of Waikato)
iORDER: Mining Implicit Domain OrdersAlexander Bianchi (Ontario Tech University); Reza Karegar (University of Waterloo); Parke Godfrey (York University); Lukasz Golab (University of Waterloo); Mehdi Kargar (Ryerson University); Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Chief Data Office); Jaroslaw Szlichta (York University and IBM CAS)*
PyLatheDB – A Library for Relational Keyword Search with Support to Schema ReferencesPaulo Martins (Federal University of Amazonas)*; Ariel Afonso (Federal University of Amazonas); Altigran Soares da Silva (Universidade Federal do Amazonas)
CREDENCE: Counterfactual Explanations for Document RankingJoel E Rorseth (University of Waterloo)*; Parke Godfrey (York University); Lukasz Golab (University of Waterloo); Mehdi Kargar (Ryerson University); Divesh Srivastava (AT&T Chief Data Office); Jaroslaw Szlichta (York University and IBM CAS)
Example Searcher: A Spatial Query System via ExampleJun Xuan Yew (Nanyang Technological University); Ningyi Liao (Nanyang Technological University )*; Dingheng Mo (Nanyang Technological University); Siqiang Luo (Nanyang Technological University)
CRYPTEXT: Database and Interactive Toolkit of Human-Written Text Perturbations in the WildThai Le (University of Mississippi)*; Yiran Ye (Penn State University); Dongwon Lee (Penn State University); Yifan Hu (Yahoo Research)
EdgeVisionBench: A Benchmark of Evolving Input Domains for Vision Applications at EdgeQinglong Zhang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Rui Han (Beijing Institute of Technology)*; Chi Harold Liu (Beijing Institute of Technology); Guoren Wang (Beijing Institute of Technology); Lydia Chen (TU Delft)
Traveling Back in Time: A Visual Debugger for Stream Processing ApplicationsTimo Räth (TU Ilmenau)*
An Efficient Generative Data Imputation Toolbox with Adversarial LearningYangyang Wu (Zhejiang University); Xiaoye Miao (Zhejiang University)*; Zilinghan Li (Zhejiang University); Shilan He (Zhejiang University); Xinkai Yuan (Zhejiang University); Jianwei Yin (Zhejiang University)
DaRAV: A Tool for Visualizing De-Anonymization RisksEmmanouil Adamakis (Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas)*; Michael Boch (Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH); Alexandros Bampoulidis (Vienna Reading Center, Department of Ophthalmology, Medical University of Vienna); George Margetis (FORTH-ICS); Stefan Gindl (Research Studios Austria Forschungsgesellschaft mbH); Constantine Stephanidis (FORTH-ICS)
Unshackling Database Benchmarking from Synthetic WorkloadsParimarjan Negi (MIT CSAIL); Laurent Bindschaedler (MIT); Mohammad Alizadeh (MIT CSAIL); Tim Kraska (MIT); Jyoti Leeka (Microsoft); Anja Gruenheid (Microsoft); Matteo Interlandi (Microsoft)*
Causal What-If and How-To Analysis Using HyperFangzhu Shen (Duke University); Kayvon Heravi (University of california san diego); Oscar A Gomez (Duke University); Sainyam Galhotra (University of Chicago)*; Amir Gilad (Duke University); Sudeepa Roy (Duke University, USA); Babak Salimi (University of California at San Diego)
CORGI: An interactive framework for Customizable and Robust Location ObfuscationPrimal Pappachan (Penn State)*; Vishnu Sharma Hunsur Manjunath (Penn State); Chenxi Qiu (University of North Texas); Anna Cinzia Squicciarini (Pennsylvania State University); Hailey Onweller (Penn State)
T-FinKB: A Platform of Temporal Financial Knowledge Base ConstructionXinyi ZHU (HKUST (GZ)); liping wang (HKUST-GZ); XIN Hao (HKUST); Xiaohan WANG (CUHK); Zhifeng Jia (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Jiyao Wang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology); Chunming MA (HKUST (GZ)); Yuxiang Zeng (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)*