ICDE 2023 Travel Award

ICDE 2023 provides travel awards to selected US-based students to attend the conference. The awards are sponsored by the US National Science Foundation. The award value is 450 USD as a financial stipend to partially cover the expense of attending the conference in person. The amount could be adjusted based availability of funds. Awardees will make their own arrangements for travel and accommodation. The award should be used to pay costs related to attending the conference.


The applicant must be a full-time student (undergraduate or graduate) in a US-based institution. Applicants do not need to have an accepted paper to be eligible. However, students who are primary authors of an accepted paper in the main conference or the workshops are especially encouraged to apply.

Service Requirement

Awardees are expected to volunteer at the conference activities (e.g., registration desk, session assistance, AV tables, workshops, etc) for a number of hours during the conference week. You get to pick your time slots upon availability. So, we will collaborate to enable everyone not to miss anything they want to attend.

Application Procedure
To apply for a grant, the student must submit the below application form no later than February 1, 2023 February 15, 2023 (11:59 PM Pacific Time).


Students are encouraged to apply as soon as possible. The awardees will be notified via email. The travel award is possible due to generous sponsorships by NSF and industry partners. We may pass on student winners’ contact information to corporate sponsors. Applicants will be asked whether they opt-in to this option.


You may send your questions regarding the travel award application process to Amr Magdy (amr@cs.ucr.edu).

Travel Award Selection Committee

  • Ahmed Eldawy, University of California, Riverside
  • Chen Li, University of California, Irvine (PI)
  • Amr Magdy, University of California, Riverside
  • Faisal Nawab, University of California, Irvine
  • Jia Yu, Washington State University